Mark Schlereth

What price do you have to pay to do what you love? Anyone can show up when they are feeling great, but what qualities do you need to have to keep showing up after 29 surgeries?
Mark Schlereth played guard in the NFL for 12 seasons, most of them through agonizing pain. He later became a football analyst for Fox Sports and began a career in acting. A native of Anchorage, Alaska, Mark struggled with dyslexia as a child and did not learn to read until he was seven years old. He credits his father and his orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Martin Boublik, with the four qualities that have made him unstoppable as a football player, a husband and a father.
In what he calls “a game within a game,” Mark talks about what it means to finish what you start, the true meaning of commitment, no “would-have’s,” and the two conditions his dad gave him back in the seventh grade before letting him go after his life’s dream.
He is joined by Dr. Martin Boublik, Assistant Professor, Orthopedics at the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr. Boublik is also a co-founder of the famous Steadman Hawkins Clinic and is the Head Team Physician for the Denver Broncos. His work is deeply rooted in his care philosophy: “Whether my patient is a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone hoping to once again chase the kids around the backyard, the most gratifying part of my practice as an orthopedic surgeon is helping someone return to an active lifestyle.”
Dr. Boublik talks about the years he cared for Mark and pro athletes, protecting yourself from bone injury, new treatments for broken knees and how Mark really passed his first physical with the Broncos.
How desperate are you to live your dream and what sacrifices are you willing to make? This winning team — Mark Schlereth and Dr. Boublik — inspire with their individual missions to conquer pain and dare ask the hardest question of all: Shouldn’t you be about something?

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